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After learning and mastering programming language we all face a single question which is "How can I make money with my programming skills"
Me, my first and favorite language is Python. I started learning it just s a hobby but as I master it the above question comes to my mind and these were **what I did as a beginner to make some money.
Create a blog - The era in which we are living is built on globalization. which means Information is shared between countries in just a matter of seconds thanks to the internet. So be a contributor on the internet what you know about is wonderful and satisfactory. In fact, you can also monetize your blog by integrating Google ads and affiliate programs. I would appreciate it if check out my website Hope you gonna love it.
Create a project and sell it - In my country (Ethiopia) Telegram is a very popular mobile application every individual and business uses for making their businesses approachable to the audience. what I did with Telegram with my python skill was I developed a Telegram bot I remember it was for furniture company. I took this example there are plenty of things you can build with your python skill and probably sell to business owners.
Freelancing - It is a very popular and trending activity in which literally every programmer is working and generating income. Go and explore some popular sites like Fiverr and Upwork. Hope there is plenty of jobs which will fit you in.
I know getting the first deal could be much harder believe me if you keep applying proposals and upgrading yourself consistently believe you will see the changes.
- Teach python Home to Home - I remember when first started learning python it was very ambiguous and tiresome because there was no one to guide me teach me or tell me what to do. I have tried to google it but it doesn't still help me.
It seems really silly but somehow it worked for me. Trust me there is someone ready to pay you to teach him.
You know what they say "Not everything will be found on google" Sometimes you need a real person to guide you So other people need too.
These were what I did to make money as a 19 Y/O python developer I hope you loved it make sure to follow me and visit my website